Heart's NOTES ♥

"You have searched for true love in your own way. But My ways are not your ways. I want to script a beautiful tale just for you, but first you must trust Me with the pen of this precious area of your life. Will you let Me write your love story?"--- GOD

"If you will trust Him enough to give Him the pen of your life, you are in for a journey that will forever spoil you for the ordinary. It’s a journey on which you will discover perfect love and pure romance as it was truly intended to be...."

  "Being inlove with each other doesn't always mean you have to be lovers. Sometimes you just have to be friends. SWEET FRIENDS."

"TRUE LOVE always expresses itself in obedience to God and service to others. Good feelings are nice but not necessary... ---Joshua Harris"

"Just because something is good doesn't mean we should pursue it right now. We have to remember that the right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.--- Joshua Harris"

“Somewhere there’s a place, holding something, concealing someone, holding your fate, but only waiting for the time.”

"Never rush into falling in love, because love never runs out; let love be the one to knock at your door. Besides, true love is worth waiting for."

  "What you do with your life is really just one half of the equation, the other half, the more important half really is who you're with when you're doing it."

"We don´t need to rush things.. If something´s bound to happen, it will happen..IN THE RIGHT TIME..WITH THE RIGHT PERSON..AND FOR THE BEST REASON."

"Waiting for God's timing requires trusting in His goodness and wisdom. We develop patience as we trust that God denies us what we think is good only because He has something better for us --- both now and in the future."


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